Het Korte Leven van Heleen (The Short Life of Helen, 2018) is a learn book. It
describes the four months up to the final high school (gymnasium) exam of an
eighteen year old girl. The school strongly resembles the Lorentz Lyceum at
Eindhoven where I graduated in 1965.
De Benoeming (The Appointment, 2014), The Handshake (The Handshake, 2015),
De Overname (The Takeover, 2016), The biography of Ad Scheepbouwer (2015,
with English SUMMARY) and The Virus of God, 25 years after Covid-19 (2020)
are work related. After eight years in academia (Leiden Law School) and three
years at the Legislation Section of the Department of Justice in The Hague, I
worked as a corporate (inhouse) lawyer between 1982 and 2014 successively at
Royal Dutch/Shell (in London from 1996 – 2003) and (from 2003) at Royal KPN
De Vleugel van Bach, (Bach’s Piano, Autumn 2020), is a tribute to the enjoy
phase. Its principal character, Ireen, is a seventy years young woman torn
between two men.
Health and good fortune willing, Bach’s Piano will not be my last product as an
author. There’s more in the pipeline: watch this space!

René van Rooij, and his publisher Perry Pierk.
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